Side quests and optional content are plentiful if you put in the effort to look for them. Side quests flesh out the in-game universe by expanding the frequently referenced AUG-Incident from Human Revolution, and how that event turned the world into Mankind Divided's militaristic, discriminatory, police-state dystopia. Story missions guide you to numerous Prague locations, but optional side quests litter the streets and sewer sanctuaries. The city undergoes several phases as the story moves forward, opening new areas and changing the exploration dynamic by introducing new hazards. The game takes you to new locations, such as the internment town Golem City and a military installment in the Swiss Alps, but Prague remains your center of operations throughout the game. You must know when to pick your battles.Īdventures in Wonderland Mankind Divided takes place in Prague, the augmented people's paradise turned nightmare after the events of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. However, the large number of enemies working in tandem, and their high damage output mean it's easy to get overwhelmed. The new augments are a godsend for players with itchy trigger fingers, as they let you fight aggressively and mitigate damage much more easily than in past games. Gunfights generally spell death unless you are customized to deal with them. Of course, even the best laid plans can fail, which usually means getting caught and dragged into a bullet exchange. He can also take down or kill unsuspecting enemies when within melee range, which further encourages you to stay unseen. Adam can hug walls for cover, letting him duck under an enemy's line of sight and snoop around unnoticed.

Stealth is a cornerstone of Deus Ex's gameplay, and it's on display in Mankind Divided. That said, taking cover or performing special attacks switches the camera to a cinematic third-person viewpoint, giving you an optimal view of the action. Mankind Divided is a stealth-shooter with strong RPG elements that's played primarily from a first-person perspective. For those who are not, here is a quick rundown.

God From the Machine If you're familiar with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, you should feel right at home with Mankind Divided's controls and gameplay conventions.

While Mankind Divided's £9.49 at Amazon UK story is somewhat shallow compared with those of previous Deus Ex games, the stellar atmosphere and incredible attention to detail elevates this PC game where the story does not. This harsh, machine-biased city is your playground, where you can fight, sneak, and hack your way towards your objectives to uncover the truth behind the violent happenings occurring around the world. Jensen must track down a group of augmented terrorists within the gritty, segregated city of Prague in 2029, while also playing nice with the militaristic police and violent gangsters. The cybernetically enhanced Adam Jensen returns to the law enforcement scene in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ($59.99), and he brings some new tools to the job.