Including a double quotes sign in an quoted-string has been doubled. The output would be: "What’s special?" he asked his old pal. Example 3 string msj = special?""he asked his old pal." // The path can be copy-pasted into the string script. txt" // rather than "c:\\Dat\Cord\info.txt" The following string script is an example. This example of a string script is an simple string: string key = "\\\u0066\n" You can use a namespace if you can not control it. For instance, you use the “\” on Windows and the “/” on Linux in a string. The string Path class allows code to be easily transferable and functional across Operating Systems. string path = Environment.GetFolderPath() Console.WriteLine(Path.Combine(path, "example 1")) Combine solutions can carry out your strings’ fulfillments. Instead of building path names concatenating string, the Path. The Path can elude common mistakes we make while coding a string. The Path class has a lot of valuable methods to handle a string with a path, extensions, and filenames. You’ll see an escaped sequence error if mistakes are made in the string.

Escape sequences can be translated into another string sequence. For example, Escape sequence is a set of string characters that represent anything but itself double-quoted when placed inside a string literal of a code. In case you wish to use the backslash itself on its while programming a string, there are two options for you: This can be used to initiate new lines (\n), tabs (\t), or quote signs (“\) in a string. The backslash character (\) is used to create an escape sequence in a string, meaning it is an escape character.
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